Toys.      R9j409
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Toys.      R9j409
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Toys.      Empty
PostSubject: Toys.    Toys.      EmptyFri 29 Nov 2013, 11:04 am

Not sure what to do about toys with Reuben and Belle. They both have access to the toy box when we are in, however, whatever she gets our of the toy box Reuben takes from her and plays or chews on it himself.  Today he has taken at least five things she has gotten out, including a kong which I bet he has not touched for over a year.
They are not allowed stag bars unsupervised as they get quite precious about these and I don't want any arguments.
Belle does on occasion try and take them back of Reuben and he growls at her so I usually step in and tell them no at which point a belle takes herself back off to the toy is to get something else.

There are a couple of toys that they have been playing tug with but I only allow this for a couple of minutes at a time
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Toys.      Empty
PostSubject: Re: Toys.    Toys.      EmptyFri 29 Nov 2013, 12:46 pm

what about buying them exactly the same toys each ? its like having two kids scrapping over toys LOL
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Toys.      Empty
PostSubject: Re: Toys.    Toys.      EmptyFri 29 Nov 2013, 1:27 pm

They both have a stag bar, same shape almost and same size and they both always want the same one. I have taken the box away as they have driven me mad today, thankfully they are both fast asleep in front of the fire.
Just waiting for the rain to stop so we can go out
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PostSubject: Re: Toys.    Toys.      Empty

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