wheres prince ? lost staffy boy R9j409
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We are a friendly bunch of pet lovers mainly consisting of Staffies and Bullies, but all dogs and owners are welcome and many of us have other dogs and pets that we talk about, plus general chit chat, competitions and entertainment.

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wheres prince ? lost staffy boy R9j409
Members: Please Log In

As a guest you will only be able to read the main topics from the forum.

Register to see loads more sections and join in the fun.

We are a friendly bunch of pet lovers mainly consisting of Staffies and Bullies, but all dogs and owners are welcome and many of us have other dogs and pets that we talk about, plus general chit chat, competitions and entertainment.

It is free to register, free to chat and you will not be asked for money to continue being a member once you have joined.

So pull up a chair and join our small community on the internet.

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 wheres prince ? lost staffy boy

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Jo n Buffs
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wheres prince ? lost staffy boy Empty
PostSubject: wheres prince ? lost staffy boy   wheres prince ? lost staffy boy EmptyMon 17 May 2010, 1:49 pm